Swine Flu Humour

June 10, 2009

They say that when life throws you lemons, make lemonade, although I prefer to have my lemons with tequila and salt instead. So in light of the swine flu outbreak (in Melbourne, no less!), I thought we could do with a bit of humour to lighten things up a little (y’know – wedding, Melbourne, travel, Singapore, plane, quarantine – not very good prospects here now have we?). I couldn’t resist posting this up, courtesy of dearest friend D.

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Espresso & Cream

April 19, 2009

Welcome to our “wedding website” (and I say this with a cringe)! It almost sounds old school and tacky, but with guests scattered around the globe, we figured that this would be a fantastic way to keep them up-to-date with what’s happening. At the same time, this will be a little scrapbook for us – one day when we’re old and grey (and assuming that WordPress still exists then), we can look back on our youth and remember the highs and lows, the joys and the thrills of planning our wedding.

No time to post much but we’ve got details of our wedding in the Thrills and Spills page. This page is password protected for privacy reasons but you can log in using our rsvp email address on our wedding cards.

They’ve not yet been posted but they should be very well on their merry way soon enough, but if you can’t wait, drop me a note and I’ll let you in on the thrills and spills of our wedding day!

the bride-to-be